Thursday, May 26, 2005

Another Night at The Married's

We're having a nice night in front of our side by side computers tonight. I'm catching up on some blogging which is nice and he's, well, I don't know what he's doing, watching weird videos and playing silly little games that I would normally play. Go figure.

I'm not planning on sex tonight. For one, I'm a little tired and we're both full from a nice dinner out with my dad for his birthday. But, it's nice just to be together. TOmorrow night? I'll attack him... just you wait and see!

Did I happen to mention what this wonderful man gave me for our anniversary? The ONE SINGLE THING THAT I WANTED. We're taking ballroom dance lessons. I've always wanted, too and was disappointed not to get that gift for Christmas. It isn't an issue of money... the gift is really him saying, "I'm going to do this with you becuase you want to so much and I want you to be happy". He always makes an effort on my gifts, but he hasn't quite hit the mark. Until now. I'd say he jsut got his first "hole in one" when it comes to gifts. Yea me!

Probably, just to be as nice to him, I oughta give him a blow job one night without expecting anything in return. Ya think? That would be awfully giving of me given our circumstances. haha I'll think that over.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I used to do that all the time... not with the EXPECTATION that he'd do the same for me sometime, but I suppose I'd be lying if I said I had hoped he'd be inspired to do the same.

He never has. So I stopped giving the "BJ w/o expectation" because I felt he was taking advantage of my generosity, so to speak. Too bad, he's missing out!

Hope you have better results. : ) And have fun with the ballroom dancing!!! That sounds like a great idea!

7:44 AM  
Blogger Cut Card 4 said...

I agree, hope your results are better. I find myself in the same situation, but with our genders switched. I'll give her head, but if I want any, fuggedaboutit! Guess I made a bad choice for sexual compatability. :-( Wah. Poor me. Oh, well. Good luck!

1:27 AM  

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