Saturday, March 26, 2005

The First Post

Simply stated, there is a single reason for the creation of this blog. I need a safe and secret place to vent and to talk about the things in my life that I really don't want to tell the people who KNOW me. You see, I'm married and I am unsatisfied with both the frequency and the level of gratification that I receive from the sexual encounters that my husband and I share. I often feel alone and like I don't have anyone to talk to about the problems in our marriage, so I'm going to use this blog as a place to "let it all hang out". I'm also hoping that maybe, some other woman out there shares my problems and we could commiserate. Interestingly, the day that I created this blog, we ended up in a humdinger of a fight. I use the term fight loosely, though, because they aren't really fights, but more me expressing my unhappiness. I love my husband very much, I really do. But, we came together later in life and so we both are set in our ways to a point. Even though I love him and we have so many things in common, I am needy in some areas and he isn't meeting my needs. I need to figure out how to fix things and get him to open up to me and talk about this stuff.

Please don't comment that I should just get a divorce (or cheat! Cheating is NOT an option in my life), trust me - I've thought about it, but I don't know if that is the answer. How do you leave this loving person with whom I share so much with because of a few areas that aren't working? Where am I then? I have the same problems because now I'm not in a relationship, so I've lost the joyful parts of love along with the sad parts. There has got to be a way to make things work for both of us and maybe writing about it will help and maybe it won't. Either way, I decided to do this thing. I'm not going to write about work or what I had for breakfast on this blog. I'm going to write about a relationship that needs work. I'm going to write about my love and my frustration and my anger and my hurt. I'd like to report both sides of our story, but unfortunately it's tough to understand his side of things because he won't talk. I'm working on it.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thank you so much for your comment. It's so hard to talk to people about a problem that they can't possibly understand, so it's nice to know that I'm NOT alone. I hope you'll come back again and feel free to comment, provide insight, or even ask questions! THANKS~!

12:58 PM  
Blogger Kaye Bailey said...

I'm with you, Married Girl. I'll check back often to see how you are. (I'm linking you to my blog.)

Best Wishes,

1:39 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Every three days, every three days, don't you ever think of anything else?"
"You know all those times you said I was something else, many of those times I was just laying there." I did my best for thirty years, and then she left after spending the last year in her own bedroom where I was not permitted. I cincur withthe comment,"California where people with the opposite libedos marry."

8:37 PM  
Blogger Ben said...

Just a tip--unless you want to keep the sex terrible, dont make this a secret place. Tell your husband you're not satisfied, and that he should read this blog. That way, you get to vent, he tries to get better (with your help) and you both end up with stimulating, rewarding marriages. Or not. I know which choice is more attractive to me...

Sure, he'll feel bad for a little bit, until you teach him to be a champion lover. He'll know when he gets there, because you'll be screaming your orgasms at a different octave.

8:40 PM  

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