Friday, July 01, 2005

What's Your Flavor?

Heh... Kim over at Bacon & Eh's posted about What things a guy should or shouldn't eat to change the.. ahem... "flavor".

I have heard about such things before. I will admit here that I have actually tasted the semen of a few men. The truth is that some tastes absolutely nasty, some is pretty bland and some isn't all that bad. Commonly salty-ish, sometimes sweet, and always pretty much the texture of slime, but we'll forget that part.

I've heard folks say that drinking beer makes it taste bad and that adding a lot of fruit to your guy's diet makes it sweeter, there is even a product called Cum So Sweet that says it can make ejaculate taste slightly citrusy (but I think it's a hoax and the chick has to be sucking on it while she gives head... whatever). Anyway, the fact of the matter is that while my husband drinks a lot of water, he also drinks beer and lives on Fast Food unless I'm feeding him, so has a pretty terrible diet. His cum tastes better than anyone else I've ever tasted! So, I think it's just the person and is only minimally impacted by what you eat. But, what do I know?


Blogger Nicole said...

I disagree gabriel. Some men are worse then others, however, blueberries do help funky spunk.

Don't ask how I know, I won't admit it.

7:26 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hubs' is the only I've ever tasted, and it's always tasted the same to me. I've never noticed any wild variation. He never drinks alcohol, however, and eats a lot of fruit and drinks pretty much only water. (This is portraying him as a health nut... oh, he is not. Just those 2 things. : )

I must say though that I don't really "taste" it all that much... just a second or two and it's usually all in the back of my throat. Only a tiny bit of the pre-cum is all I ever taste, and it's pretty much just salty.

6:45 AM  
Blogger Nicole said...

Have you ever seen chunky spunk?

9:57 AM  
Blogger Keepin it real said...

It is true that beer makes it bad. I'm sure you've heard the celery deal. If he eats a lot of celery, it doesn't taste bad and he cums a lot.

By the way, does your hubby know about your cum tasting record? Probably not.

11:14 AM  
Blogger Charlie Mc said...

The taste is based on the PH level in the body. Certain foods raise or lower the acidity levels in the what a guy eats directly impacts the "taste." Pineapple is supposed to make it taste i better go peel that pineapple now before the g/f come shome!

4:58 PM  

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