Thursday, July 21, 2005

I know, but...

the thing is that even though I know I shouldn't even worry about it, it absolutely bugs the hell out of me that I think that my husband is "faking" orgasms. We had sex Tuesday night and I pretty much feel it was to make me happy which is good and all, but it was the usual where he gets me off with his hand and then moves in so that we have actual intercourse for him to get off.

But, I knew immediately that he was probably NOT going to have an orgasm because he just moves a certain way to get off... I know this. HELLO... we've been having sex along time now. Then when he had his orgasm, I TRULY felt it was all an act and I said, "I don't think you're done yet!" He said, "why would you think that? Of course I am". But, of course there was no tell-tale cum inside me either.

THe frustrating thing for me is WHY????? Why fake it in the first place? If he isn't into it and he's only getting me off with his hand ANYWAY, why not do me and then kiss me and say he just isn't in the mood but wanted to make me happy. THAT wouldn't bother me. What bothers me is that he is LYING to me because I KNOW he's faking it!!!!!!!!!!!! Gr. This is upsetting to me. Can anyone explain to me WHY he is doing this??? Besides him? If I bring up sex he always gets defensive and everything has been so peaceful lately I don't want to spoil it. What should I do?

Saturday, July 16, 2005

WIll we ever move on? I don't know.

Okay, we're beating a dead horse, but since I haven't gotten laid and been glavanting around the town all week, I'm going to repeat my comment posted on the last post. That is basically... if i were a man, I would totally taste my cum to see what it tastes like. AND, I bet most men do, but for some reason don't admit it... why not? I don't know. I'm going to ask my husband, who I am CERTAIN has tasted it and see what he says....

Okay... I asked. He admitted it. Like I didn't already know this. But I also was told that this is not for repeating and only between us so if I have a chick night, I'm not allowed to tell my friends, because it's private. I don't think posting it here counts since no one knows myy top secret identity and all.


Okay... this topic is coming to an end and my next post will have nothing to do with the taste of cum... except for one last thing:

I'm sorry, but I don't get why people DON'T swallow... uh, fastest way to get it out of your mouth!!! If you want it gone, swallow and it is, rather than holding it in your mouth until you can spit it out... that is just plain weird. Of course this does not apply to those who stop before the guy crosses the finish line.

Okay, I'm done now.

Tuesday, July 05, 2005

Oh Brother

At MY age... the double standard?
I KNOW we are so not going into the whole Double Standard/women shouldn't do that thing, right?  As a matter of fact, while my husband and I don't NORMALLY discuss our past sex lives - although upon occasion I force certain NEED TO KNOW things from him, he is aware that I had sex prior to being with him.  For starters, I'm 36 years old; he's even OLDER.  He is aware that I have been in three committed relationships, one a marriage, and it's likely that he suspects that I had sex with at least these men if not more than them.  I guess it's possible that his assumption is that I ONLY had sex with those three people AND that those experiences included only lights out, missionary position-type sex, but I find it unlikely that the MALE SLUT OF A MAN that I married could actually believe that. 
While I don't say things like "Honey, your cum tastes so much better than ALLLLLLLLLL the other men whose dicks I've sucked", I'm pretty sure he suspects that I've experienced the giving of oral sex to others.  Then again... I could be mistaken.
And, yeah, he actually eats a lot of celery, so that could be a possibility... I think he drinks waaaaaay more beer than he eats celery, though.  And, I always wonder how "straight" men get to have opinions on the taste of cum... hmmmm.

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Friday, July 01, 2005

What's Your Flavor?

Heh... Kim over at Bacon & Eh's posted about What things a guy should or shouldn't eat to change the.. ahem... "flavor".

I have heard about such things before. I will admit here that I have actually tasted the semen of a few men. The truth is that some tastes absolutely nasty, some is pretty bland and some isn't all that bad. Commonly salty-ish, sometimes sweet, and always pretty much the texture of slime, but we'll forget that part.

I've heard folks say that drinking beer makes it taste bad and that adding a lot of fruit to your guy's diet makes it sweeter, there is even a product called Cum So Sweet that says it can make ejaculate taste slightly citrusy (but I think it's a hoax and the chick has to be sucking on it while she gives head... whatever). Anyway, the fact of the matter is that while my husband drinks a lot of water, he also drinks beer and lives on Fast Food unless I'm feeding him, so has a pretty terrible diet. His cum tastes better than anyone else I've ever tasted! So, I think it's just the person and is only minimally impacted by what you eat. But, what do I know?

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