Sunday, April 03, 2005


I did a Google search for blogs and Lack of Sex Drive hoping to find others like me. Gee, no go. I really didn't find ANYTHING like that. Women OR Men. I have run across a few men unhappy with their sex lives, but no women blogs so far. So what gives, is my situation THAT rare? (Additionally, when reviewing the "recently updated Blogger Blogs", I found that weddign blogs are VERY popular. FREAKS! heh)

By the way, nope, I did NOT have sex again this weekend. I mean, true, it isn't COMPLETELY over yet, but I'll be in bed in about an hour and then, there's that... ANOTHER whole week without it. How can this be normal? How can this be right? It isn't that we haven't had a great weekend together, but why can't they also be punctuated with great sex, too?

I just don't know what more to do.


Blogger T. Wild said...

don't you just feel like a freak on Sunday night, if you didn't have sex all weekend, I go into the work week with such a bad attitude. The only good weekend is the weekend with sex in it!

8:21 PM  

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